5-in-1 Fuel Treatment - 8 U.S. fl oz - 12 Pack Display



Colecciones: HELIX

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: HELIX

Palabras claves: HELIX


$ 4,542.44

Añadir a favoritos

  • Cures and prevents water contamination
  • Works with 2- and 4-stroke engines
  • Proven performance enhancement for torque and horsepower
  • Revitalizes old gas
  • Boosts octane by up to two points
  • Stabilizes fuel for up to two years
  • Cleans injectors, carburetors & fuel system components
  • Treats 16 gallons

  • Peso: 6.75
    Alto: 7.0
    Largo: 10.5
    Ancho: 8.0
    Aditamentos:Specs:Product Name: Additive
    Riding Style: Adventure Touring / Dual-Sport
    Riding Style: ATV
    Riding Style: Snow
    Riding Style: UTV
    Type: Fuel System Cleaner
    Container Size: 8 U.S. fl oz.
    Riding Style: Street
    Application: 2-Stroke
    Application: 4-Stroke
    Container Size: 237 ml
    Riding Style: Off-Road
    Riding Style: Watercraft
    Units: 12 Pack