Auto Tune Kit for Power Commander V - Metric



Colecciones: DYNOJET

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: DYNOJET

Palabras claves: DYNOJET


$ 10,282.72

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  • Include Wideband O² and Dual Wideband O² sensors and controllers that connect to the Power Commander V
  • The kits automatically adjust the fuel map while riding
  • Include 18 mm bungs

  • Peso: 1.08
    Alto: 2.75
    Largo: 7.67
    Ancho: 5.31
    Aditamentos:Specs:Color/Finish: Gray
    Color/Finish: White
    Oxygen Sensor Band: Wide-Band
    Oxygen Sensor Plug Size: 0.71"
    Oxygen Sensor Plug Size: 18.00 mm
    Product Name: Tuning Module
    Riding Style: Off-Road
    Oxygen Loop Control: Closed Loop
    Riding Style: Snow
    Riding Style: Street
    Type: Air/Fuel Ratio
    Base Color: Red
    Oxygen Sensor Plug Size: 18,00 mm (0,71")
    Riding Style: UTV
    Color/Finish: Black
    Model: Power Commander V
    Physical Connection: Splice-In
    Programming: Autotune
    Programming: Downloadable Maps
    Riding Style: ATV
    Units: Each