Battery Guard



Colecciones: KEEL GUARD

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: KEEL GUARD

Palabras claves: KEEL GUARD


$ 514.50

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  • Sits under your battery and absorbs the gravity shock caused by excessive vibration and up and down bounce
  • Reduces up to 80%of the G-shock caused by excessive shock and vibration
  • Can be trimmed to custom shapes or sizes
  • Fits virtually any size battery up to Group 31 batteries

  • Peso: 1.2
    Alto: 0.5
    Largo: 13.5
    Ancho: 7.5
    Aditamentos:Specs:Length: 323 mm (12-3/4")
    Product Name: Battery Pad
    Units: Each
    Width: 172,72 mm (6-7/8")
    Color/Finish: Black
    Height: 9.5 mm (3/8")
    Height: 3/8"
    Length: 12-3/4"
    Height: 9.5 mm
    Length: 323 mm
    Width: 6-7/8"
    Width: 172.2 mm