Jet Kit - VN1500A

Peso: 0.141 kg

SKU: V21138

Colecciones: VANCE & HINES

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: VANCE & HINES

Palabras claves: VANCE & HINES

Disponibilidad: 3 artículo(s)

$ 1 964.69$ 2 463.55– 20%

Añadir a favoritos

  • Include complete needle assemblies with five ranges of adjustment, main jets, clips, washer and appropriate drill bits
  • Designed to recalibrate OEM stock carburetors for use with Vance & Hines exhaust systems
  • Include detailed instructions for easy installation

  • Peso: 0.31
    Alto: 1.5
    Largo: 11.9
    Ancho: 3.7
  • VN 1500 A Vulcan 88 : 2001-2000-1999-1993-1995-1996-1998-1997-1992-1994-1991
  • Specs:Units: Kit
    Riding Style: Street
    Product Name: Jet Kit
    Type: Carburetor