Manual de Servicio Clymer Softail '06-'10
Caracteristicas: Whether it's simple maintenance or complete restoration, don't start work without Clymer, the leader in service manuals Save yourself time and frustration with these procedures and techniques used by the professionals Comprehensive manuals contain exploded views, drawings, specifications and charts that illustrate each job Feature shortcut repairs and high-performance modifications
Peso: 3.28
Alto: 1.57
Largo: 11.02
Ancho: 8.26
Aditamentos:Softail Standard FXST : 2006 Softail Springer Classic EFI FLSTSCI : 2006-2007 Softail Custom EFI FXSTC : 2007-2008-2010-2009 Softail Night Train EFI FXSTBI : 2007-2006-2008-2009 Softail Heritage EFI FLSTI : 2006 Softail Night Train FXSTB : 2006 Softail Standard EFI FXSTI : 2006-2007 Softail Springer Classic FLSTSC : 2006 Softail Springer EFI FXSTSI : 2006 Softail Springer FXSTS : 2006 Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI : 2010-2009-2008-2006-2007 Softail Rocker C FXCWC : 2010-2008-2009 Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB : 2010 Softail Cross Bones FLSTSB : 2010-2009-2008 Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI : 2010-2008-2009-2006-2007 Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI : 2010-2008-2006-2009-2007 Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI : 2007-2006 Softail Deuce FXSTD : 2006 Softail Rocker FXCW : 2008-2009 Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC : 2006 Softail Fat Boy FLSTF : 2006 Softail Heritage FLST : 2006 Softail Deluxe FLSTN : 2006 Specs:Product Name: Service Manual
Units: Each
For Make: Harley Davidson
Riding Style: Street
Type: Motorcycle
Peso: 3.28
Alto: 1.57
Largo: 11.02
Ancho: 8.26
Units: Each
For Make: Harley Davidson
Riding Style: Street
Type: Motorcycle