
Peso: 0.454 kg

SKU: 791M08200

Colecciones: WISECO

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: WISECO

Palabras claves: WISECO

Disponibilidad: 2 artículo(s)

$ 4 090.36$ 5 214.29– 21%

Añadir a favoritos

  • Most Wiseco 2-cycle pistons are forged from high-silicone bar stock
  • Greater strength and lower expansion at high temperatures
  • All Wiseco High-Performance pistons are priced with rings, wrist pins and circlips
  • Wiseco ring types are not interchangeable (i.e., CD is not interchangeable with LC) and fit only Wiseco pistons
  • Wiseco pistons can be fitted only with Wiseco rings.

  • Peso: 1.0
    Alto: 3.4
    Largo: 4.0
    Ancho: 3.4
  • WVT 1100 WaveVenture : 1996-1997
  • Specs:Displacement: 1077 cc
    Riding Style: Watercraft
    Bore - Oversize: +1,00 mm
    Bore Size: 82 mm
    Product Name: Piston
    Bore - Oversize: +1.00 mm
    Piston Material: Aluminum
    Units: Each