Chicote Acelerador Barnett Extendido 3"02035441
Caracteristicas: "Black on black" cables feature a black vinyl casing with black chrome elbows and hardware for that "Stealth" look Stainless steel wire rope with a nylon inner liner Made in the U.S.A.
Peso: 0.4
Alto: 0.44
Largo: 7.6
Ancho: 7.6
Aditamentos:Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI : 2015-2008-2013-2009-2002-2006-2003-2014-2010-2007-2011-2012-2005-2004-2001 Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB : 2015-2013-2012-2014 Softail Springer FXSTS : 2003-2005-2002-2006-2004-2001 Softail Standard FXST : 2003-2005-2002-2001-2006-2004 Softail Springer Classic FLSTSC : 2006-2005 Softail Springer EFI FXSTSI : 2005-2001-2006-2003-2002-2004 Softail Standard EFI FXSTI : 2001-2005-2002-2003-2004-2006-2007 Softail Springer Classic EFI FLSTSCI : 2005-2007-2006 Softail Heritage EFI FLSTI : 2006 Screamin' Eagle Fat Boy FLSTFSE : 2005 Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI : 2009-2010-2008-2011-2007 Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI : 2008-2003-2006-2001-2005-2004-2002-2007 Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI : 2007-2005-2006-2003-2002-2004-2001 Softail Deuce FXSTD : 2006-2002-2003-2004-2005-2001 Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC : 2002-2005-2006-2001-2000-2003-2004 Softail Rocker C FXCWC : 2010-2008-2011-2009 Softail Fat Boy FLSTF : 2004-2003-2002-2005-2006 Softail Heritage Springer EFI FLSTSI : 2001-2003-2002 Softail Heritage Springer FLSTS : 2001-2002-2003 Screamin' Eagle Fat Boy FLSTFSE2 : 2006 Softail Rocker FXCW : 2008-2009 15th Anniversary Fat Boy FLSTF : 2005 Softail Heritage FLST : 2006 Specs:Base Color: Black
Elbow Angle: 90°
Handlebar Fitting: Smooth
Housing Material: Vinyl
Size: +3"
Color/Finish: Black
Cruise: Non-Cruise
Housing Length: 34"
Model: Stealth Series
Product Name: Cable
Riding Style: Street
Style: Alternate Length
Type: Throttle
Units: Each
Peso: 0.4
Alto: 0.44
Largo: 7.6
Ancho: 7.6
Elbow Angle: 90°
Handlebar Fitting: Smooth
Housing Material: Vinyl
Size: +3"
Color/Finish: Black
Cruise: Non-Cruise
Housing Length: 34"
Model: Stealth Series
Product Name: Cable
Riding Style: Street
Style: Alternate Length
Type: Throttle
Units: Each