Fairing Lowers - Vented
Caracteristicas: Features a built-in cold air venting system that allows Harley riders to adjust the amount of air that circulates across the engine Vents can be opened for additional air, or closed for maximum protection from the elements Ratcheting friction lock pivot allows the rider to easily set the vent position Provides two glove boxes with snap-in covers Set fits onto the crash bars Made from ABS plastic, available in gloss black Complete kit includes left and right fairing lowers, and all necessary mounting hardware Will not fit with mustache engine guard. Will fit 98-09 FLTR by cutting 2-1/2" off the cap cover to clear the upper fairing bracket.
Peso: 10.38
Alto: 10.0
Largo: 21.25
Ancho: 20.75
Aditamentos:Electra Glide Standard EFI FLHTI : 2004-2005-2006-2003-2007-2008-2009 Road King EFI FLHR : 1998-1996-1997-1999-2000-2001-2007-2013-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012 Electra Glide Standard FLHT : 1985-1987-1986-1998-2000-2004-1997-2001-2003-2005-2006-1995-1999-1996-2002 Electra Glide Classic EFI FLHTCI : 1996-2000-2005-1998-1999-2001-2003-2004-2006-1995-1997-2002-2011-2012-2013-2007-2009-2008-2010 Electra Glide Sport FLHS : 1991-1993-1988-1989-1992-1987-1990 Street Glide EFI FLHX : 2011-2009-2010-2007-2008-2012-2013-2006 Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCU : 1993-1996-1995-1999-1989-1990-1992-1994-1997-1991-1998 Electra Glide Ultra Limited FLHTK : 2011-2012-2010-2013 Tri Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCUTG : 2009-2010-2012-2011-2013 Road Glide Custom FLTRX : 2010-2011-2012-2013 Road Glide Ultra FLTRU : 2012-2011-2013 Tour Glide Ultra Classic FLTCU : 1989-1993-1990-1992-1991-1994-1995-1996 Tour Glide Classic FLTC : 1987-1989-1992-1986-1991-1993-1985-1988-1990-1994-1984 Electra Glide Classic FLHTC : 1987-1988-1989-1993-1998-2004-1984-1985-1986-1991-1995-1996-1990-1992-1994-1999-1997-2000-2001-2002-2003-2005 Street Glide Trike FLHXXX : 2011-2010 Road King Custom EFI FLHRS : 2006-2007-2004-2005 Road King Custom FLHRS : 2004-2005-2006 Road King Classic EFI FLHRC : 1998-2001-2004-2005-2000-2002-2003-2006-1999 Tour Glide Ultra Classic EFI FLTCU : 1996 Road King FLHR : 2001-2002-1997-2000-2006-1994-1995-2003-2004-1996-1998-1999-2005 Electra Glide Ultra Classic EFI FLHTCUI : 2009-2011-2010-2012-2013-2007-2008 Street Glide FLHX : 2006 Specs:Base Color: Black
Color/Finish: Black
Color/Finish: Gloss
Units: Each
Finish: Gloss
Material: ABS Plastic
Riding Style: Street
Type: Fairing Vent Screen
Product Name: Fairing
Peso: 10.38
Alto: 10.0
Largo: 21.25
Ancho: 20.75
Color/Finish: Black
Color/Finish: Gloss
Units: Each
Finish: Gloss
Material: ABS Plastic
Riding Style: Street
Type: Fairing Vent Screen
Product Name: Fairing