Tire Valve Tool 4-Way



Colecciones: SLIME

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: SLIME

Palabras claves: SLIME


$ 50.51

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  • Removes valve core, re-tap threads and ream the inside of the valve
  • Works on A.C. unit valves

  • Peso: 0.05
    Alto: 0.55
    Largo: 4.44
    Ancho: 2.51
    Aditamentos:Specs:Application: Tire Valve
    Product Name: Valve Remover
    Riding Style: Watercraft
    Style: 4-in-1
    Color/Finish: Silver
    Material: Steel
    Riding Style: ATV
    Riding Style: Off-Road
    Units: Each
    Riding Style: Adventure Touring / Dual-Sport
    Riding Style: Snow
    Riding Style: Street
    Riding Style: UTV