412 Series Shock - 11" - Heavy Duty - Black - XL - '04-'19
Caracteristicas: Designed specifically for Harley models The 412's simple, durable design makes them a cost effective improvement to your motorcycle's suspension performance A five position cam style spring load preload adjuster lets you easily dial in your ride Some or all shocks listed have TüV approval. Refer to most recent TüV certificate for current listing All shocks are measured center-of-eyelet to center-of-eyelet. When installing shocks on 1986-2015 XL models, it may be necessary to modify or space the chain/belt guard to allow proper clearance. A shock which is slightly longer than stock may alter the head angle slightly and provide somewhat quicker steering. A shock which is slightly shorter than stock may alter the head angle slightly and provide somewhat slower steering. Heavy Duty Applications are recommended for bikes that are operated at or near the manufacturer's maximum load rating over 50% of the time. Before purchasing or attempting to install shocks that are different than the OEM length, confirm that your wheel travel can be altered without causing clearance issues, such as swingarm/axle to exhaust contact as well as chain/belt guard or tire contact.
Peso: 8.62
Alto: 3.46
Largo: 17.0
Ancho: 6.96
Aditamentos:Sportster Seventy-Two XLV : 2013-2012-2015-2014-2016 1200 Custom XLC : 2005-2006-2004 883 XL : 2005-2004-2006 1200 Roadster XLR : 2004-2005-2006 1200 Custom EFI XLC : 2007-2013-2015-2008-2011-2009-2010-2012-2014-2017-2016-2019-2004-2005-2006-2018 883 Low EFI XLL : 2009-2010-2008-2007-2006 883 SuperLow XLL : 2011-2012-2015-2014-2013-2016-2017-2019-2018 1200 Low EFI XLL : 2010-2008-2009-2007-2011-2006 Iron 883 XLN : 2011-2013-2009-2015-2012-2014-2010-2016-2017-2019-2018 1200 Nightster XLN : 2011-2012-2010-2009-2008-2007 Sportster Forty-Eight XLX : 2010-2011-2012-2015-2013-2014-2016-2017-2018-2019 SuperLow 1200 XLT : 2014-2015-2016-2017 1200 Roadster EFI XLR : 2008-2007-2006 883 Custom XLC : 2004-2005-2006 883 Roadster EFI XLR : 2007-2006-2005 883 Roadster XLR : 2005-2006-2007 883 Low XLL : 2006-2005 1200 Low XLL : 2006 883 Custom EFI XLC : 2008-2007-2009-2006-2004-2005 Sportster 1200 XL 50 : 2007 883 EFI XL : 2008-2007-2009 1200 Roadster XLCX : 2017-2016-2019-2018 Sportster Forty-Eight Special XLXS : 2018-2019 1200 XLCP : 2012-2014-2013-2015-2016-2011-2017 Sportster 1200 XR : 2010-2012-2009-2011 Iron 1200 XLNS : 2018-2019 Sportster 1200 X XR : 2012-2011-2010-2009 Specs:Adjustment Style: Automatic
Progressive Spring Rate: 115.00 lb/in - 155.00 lb/in
Spring Type: Single Progressive Rate
Damping Method: Gas Charged
Duty: Heavy Duty
Model: 412 Series without Covers
Mounting Position: Rear
Riding Style: Street
Type: Coilover Monotube
Color/Finish: Black
Extended Length: 11.00"
Material: Steel
Product Name: Shock Absorber
Reservoir Location: Internal
Units: Pair
Progressive Spring Rate: 2.05 kg/mm - 2.80 kg/mm
Peso: 8.62
Alto: 3.46
Largo: 17.0
Ancho: 6.96
Progressive Spring Rate: 115.00 lb/in - 155.00 lb/in
Spring Type: Single Progressive Rate
Damping Method: Gas Charged
Duty: Heavy Duty
Model: 412 Series without Covers
Mounting Position: Rear
Riding Style: Street
Type: Coilover Monotube
Color/Finish: Black
Extended Length: 11.00"
Material: Steel
Product Name: Shock Absorber
Reservoir Location: Internal
Units: Pair
Progressive Spring Rate: 2.05 kg/mm - 2.80 kg/mm