430 Series Shock - Black - Standard - 12"9839
Caracteristicas: Get the best in class dampening performance with this high-pressure gas mono tube shock Fade-free in any type of conditions Features disk valves for quick and consistent damping Threaded preload adjuster allows for fine tuning with a simple twist of the cap Can be mounted with the preload adjuster at the top or bottom A shock which is slightly longer than stock may alter the head angle slightly and provide somewhat quicker steering. A shock which is slightly shorter than stock may alter the head angle slightly and provide somewhat slower steering. Some or all shocks have TüV approval For OEM shock lengths, see the Quick Reference Guide in the back of the catalog. Heavy Duty Applications recommended for bikes operating at or near maximum load rating over 50% of the time. Before purchasing or attempting to install shocks that are different than the OEM length, confirm that your wheel travel can be altered without causing clearance issues, such as swingarm/axle to exhaust contact as well as chain/belt guard or tire contact.
Peso: 10.15
Alto: 3.38
Largo: 16.97
Ancho: 6.68
Aditamentos:Electra Glide Ultra Classic EFI FLHTCUI : 1995-2000-2003-1997-1998-1999-2001-2002-2004-1996-2005 1200 Custom XLC : 2002-1998-2000-2001-2003-1997-1996-1999 1200 Sport XLS : 1996-2000-1998-1999-2001-2002-1997-2003 Sport Glide Grand Touring FXRD : 1986 883 Custom XLC : 2003-1999-2000-2002-2001 Sportster 1200 XLH : 1989-1988-1999-2000-1993-1994-1996-2001-1990-1991-1992-1997-2002-1995-1998-2003 883 Roadster XLR : 2002-2003 Sportster 883 XLH : 1986-1987-1994-1990-1991-1992-1997-2002-1988-1989-1996-2000-2003-1995-1999-2001-1993-1998 883 Hugger XLH : 1987-1990-1988-1991-1993-1989-1992-1995-1998-2000-2002-2003-1996-1999-2001-1994-1997 883 Deluxe XLH : 1989-1986-1990-1994-1987-1988-1993-1995-1991-1992 Sportster 1100 XLH : 1986-1987 Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCU : 1992-1997-1990-1995-1989-1993-1998-1991-1999-1996-1994-2000-2001-2002-2004-2003-2005 Electra Glide Sport FLHS : 1993-1987-1992-1990-1989-1988-1991-1982-1980-1981 Electra Glide Classic EFI FLHTCI : 1997-1996-2004-2001-2003-2000-2005-1999-2002-1998-1995 Electra Glide Classic FLHTC : 1998-1993-1983-1996-1985-1986-1988-1991-2004-2005-2003-2000-2001-1999-2002-1987-1997-1992-1995-1984-1994-1990-1989 Road King Classic EFI FLHRC : 1998-2002-2004-2005-2001-1999-2003-2000-1997-1996-1995 Road King FLHR : 1998-2000-2002-1999-2005-2001-2003-2004-1997-1994-1995-1996 Tour Glide Classic FLTC : 1985-1990-1993-1992-1994-1991-1989-1980-1986-1981-1983-1984-1987-1988-1982 Electra Glide Standard FLHT : 1997-1996-2003-2001-2000-2004-2005-1999-2002-1998-1995-1983-1985-1986-1987-1984 Road Glide FLTR : 1999-2000-2001-2002-1998-2004-2003-2005 Road King Custom FLHRS : 2005-2004 Tour Glide Ultra Classic FLTCU : 1992-1994-1995-1989-1996-1990-1991-1993 Road King Custom EFI FLHRS : 2005-2004 Low Rider FXRS : 1993-1992-1991 Sport Glide FXRT : 1992-1991-1993 Low Rider Custom FXLR : 1993-1994-1992-1991 Low Rider Sport FXRS-SP : 1991-1993-1992 Road King EFI FLHR : 2003-2005-2004-2002-1997-1996-1998-1999-2000-2001-1995 Tour Glide FLT : 1982-1981-1983-1980-1984-1986-1985 Low Rider Convertible FXRS-CONV : 1992-1991-1993 Super Glide FXR : 1993-1992-1994-1991 Road Glide EFI FLTR : 2003-1998-2000-1999-2001-2002-2004-2005 Tour Glide Ultra Classic EFI FLTCU : 1996 Electra Glide Standard EFI FLHTI : 2003-2004-2005-2001-2000-2002 Electra Glide Special FLHX : 1984-1985 Electra Glide Police FLHTP : 1984-1988-1991-1997-1998-2000-1990-1994-1983-1985-1986-1992-1993-2005-1987-1989-1995-2001-2002-2003-1996-1999-2004 Electra Glide Classic FLHC : 1981-1980 Roadster 1000 XLS : 1983-1979-1981-1980-1984-1982-1985 Sportster 1000 XLH : 1979-1983-1982-1980-1985-1984-1981 Sportster 1000 XLX : 1984-1985-1983 Sportster 1000 XR : 1983-1985-1984 Sportster 750 XR : 1980-1979-1985-1984-1983-1981-1982 Screamin' Eagle Road Glide FLTRSE-I2 : 2001 Screamin' Eagle Road Glide FLTRSE-I : 2000 Electra Glide Police FLHTPI : 1996-1998-2001-1995-1997-1999-2004-2005-2000-2002-2003 Screamin' Eagle Road King FLHRSE-I2 : 2003 Café Racer XLCR : 1978-1979-1977 Electra Glide FLH : 1985 Screamin' Eagle Electra Glide FLHTCSE : 2004 Screamin' Eagle Road King FLHRSE-I : 2002 1200 Custom EFI XLC : 2003-2002 Screamin' Eagle Electra Glide FLHTCSE2 : 2005 Sportster 1000 XLCH : 1979 Specs:Mounting Position: Rear
Progressive Spring Rate: 90.00 lb/in - 130.00 lb/in
Type: Coilover Monotube
Color/Finish: Black
Product Name: Shock Absorber
Progressive Spring Rate: 1.61 kg/mm - 2.32 kg/mm
Units: Pair
Damping Method: Gas Charged
Duty: Standard
Extended Length: 12.00"
Material: Aluminum
Model: 430 Series
Riding Style: Street
Reservoir Location: Internal
Spring Type: Single Progressive Rate
Peso: 10.15
Alto: 3.38
Largo: 16.97
Ancho: 6.68
Progressive Spring Rate: 90.00 lb/in - 130.00 lb/in
Type: Coilover Monotube
Color/Finish: Black
Product Name: Shock Absorber
Progressive Spring Rate: 1.61 kg/mm - 2.32 kg/mm
Units: Pair
Damping Method: Gas Charged
Duty: Standard
Extended Length: 12.00"
Material: Aluminum
Model: 430 Series
Riding Style: Street
Reservoir Location: Internal
Spring Type: Single Progressive Rate