Brake Line Kit - Single Disc - XL
Caracteristicas: Compatible Magnum Shielding BYO® brand brake hose and BYO® components have been specifically designed to only work in conjunction with each other Kits contain all components needed to build one complete stock or custom brake line Brake hose and fittings are DOT labeled, pressure tested and 100% inspected All BYO® brand brake lines are intended for non-ABS applications ONLY Assembles in 5 minutes with only side cutters and 7/16" wrench
Peso: 0.55
Alto: 0.69
Largo: 9.8
Ancho: 9.8
Aditamentos:Sportster Seventy-Two XLV : 2013-2012-2015-2016-2014 1200 Custom XLC : 2005-2006-2004 883 XL : 2005-2006-2004 1200 Custom EFI XLC : 2007-2013-2009-2010-2012-2008-2011-2014-2016-2015-2017-2019-2018-2004-2005-2006 883 Low EFI XLL : 2009-2007-2010-2008-2006 883 SuperLow XLL : 2011-2012-2013-2014-2016-2015-2017-2019-2018 1200 Low EFI XLL : 2010-2009-2007-2011-2008-2006 Iron 883 XLN : 2011-2012-2010-2013-2009-2015-2016-2014-2017-2019-2018-2020 1200 Nightster XLN : 2011-2012-2008-2007-2010-2009 Sportster Forty-Eight XLX : 2010-2011-2012-2013-2015-2016-2014-2017-2018-2019-2020 883 Low XLL : 2006-2005 1200 Low XLL : 2006 883 Custom XLC : 2005-2006-2004 883 Custom EFI XLC : 2008-2007-2009-2004-2005-2006 883 EFI XL : 2007-2008-2009 Sportster 1200 XL 50 : 2007 SuperLow 1200 XLT : 2014-2015-2016-2017 1200 Roadster XLCX : 2016-2019-2017-2018-2020 Iron 1200 XLNS : 2020-2018-2019 1200 Roadster XLR : 2006-2005-2004 1200 Roadster EFI XLR : 2007-2008-2006 883 Roadster XLR : 2005-2006-2007 Sportster 1200 XR : 2011-2009-2012-2010 1200 XLCP : 2011-2017-2013-2015-2012-2014-2016 Sportster 1200 X XR : 2010-2011-2012-2009 Sportster Forty-Eight Special XLXS : 2018-2019 883 Roadster EFI XLR : 2006-2007-2005 Specs:Lower Banjo Fitting: 10 mm Straight Banjo Fitting
Riding Style: Street
Color/Finish: Braided
Color/Finish: Unfinished
Material: Stainless Steel
Model: Build Your Own (BYO)
Mounting Position: Front
Upper Banjo Fitting: 10 mm 60° Banjo Fitting
Color/Finish: Silver
for Braking System: Without ABS
Length: 183 cm (6')
Product Name: Brake Line
Units: Kit
Disc: Single
Length: 6'
Length: 183 cm
Peso: 0.55
Alto: 0.69
Largo: 9.8
Ancho: 9.8
Riding Style: Street
Color/Finish: Braided
Color/Finish: Unfinished
Material: Stainless Steel
Model: Build Your Own (BYO)
Mounting Position: Front
Upper Banjo Fitting: 10 mm 60° Banjo Fitting
Color/Finish: Silver
for Braking System: Without ABS
Length: 183 cm (6')
Product Name: Brake Line
Units: Kit
Disc: Single
Length: 6'
Length: 183 cm