Fork Springs
Caracteristicas: High-quality, high-performance replacement fork springs A Progressive Suspension rate spring has the advantage of a rising rate resistance to compression The benefit is the spring can be soft enough at the start of the travel to offer a "plush" ride, yet firm enough at the end of the travel to soak up the big bumps Spring rates have been chosen to reduce front-end dive during braking, yet still provide excellent ride comfort
Peso: 3.56
Alto: 1.77
Largo: 24.37
Ancho: 4.52
Aditamentos:Sportster Seventy-Two XLV : 2013-2012-2014-2015 1200 Custom XLC : 2005-2006-2004 883 XL : 2005-2004-2006 1200 Roadster XLR : 2004-2005-2006 1200 Custom EFI XLC : 2007-2013-2015-2008-2011-2009-2010-2012-2014-2004-2005-2006 883 Low EFI XLL : 2009-2010-2008-2007-2006 883 SuperLow XLL : 2011-2012-2015-2014-2013 1200 Low EFI XLL : 2010-2008-2009-2007-2011-2006 Iron 883 XLN : 2011-2013-2009-2015-2010-2012-2014 1200 Nightster XLN : 2011-2012-2010-2009-2008-2007 Sportster Forty-Eight XLX : 2010-2011-2012-2015-2013-2014 SuperLow 1200 XLT : 2014-2015-2017-2016 1200 Roadster EFI XLR : 2008-2007-2006 883 Custom XLC : 2004-2006-2005 883 Roadster EFI XLR : 2007-2006 883 Roadster XLR : 2006-2005-2007 883 Low XLL : 2005-2006 883 Custom EFI XLC : 2007-2009-2008-2004-2005-2006 1200 Low XLL : 2006 Sportster 1200 XL 50 : 2007 883 EFI XL : 2007-2008-2009 Street 500 XG : 2017-2019-2015-2016-2018 Street 750 XG : 2017-2019-2015-2016-2018 1200 XLCP : 2011-2012-2014-2013-2015 Specs:Color/Finish: Black
For Fork Tube Diameter: 39.00 mm
Model: Standard
Product Name: Fork Springs
Riding Style: Street
Units: Pair
Peso: 3.56
Alto: 1.77
Largo: 24.37
Ancho: 4.52
For Fork Tube Diameter: 39.00 mm
Model: Standard
Product Name: Fork Springs
Riding Style: Street
Units: Pair