Carrocería y Salpicaderas

$ 537.59 $ 720.46

Seal For Fuel Pump Door - ST

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop pla...

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop plate installation screws are single-use and should be replaced when the plate is removedPeso: 0.15 Alto: 0.65 Largo: 11.8 Ancho: 6.0 Aditamentos:Breakout FXSB : 2015-2016-2013-2014-2017Softail Slim FLS : 2015-2016-2014-2012-2013-2017Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI : 2015-2016-2009-2010-2008-2011-2012-2014-2007-2013-2006-2005-2017Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI : 2015-2016-2008-2013-2011-2010-2007-2009-2002-200...

$ 2,742.06 $ 3,420.21

Front Fender - Steel - Raw - With Trim Holes - ...

Caracteristicas: Raw stamped steel constructionMeasure approximately 6" W (inside)Mount with OE h...

Caracteristicas: Raw stamped steel constructionMeasure approximately 6" W (inside)Mount with OE hardwarePeso: 7.4 Alto: 8.85 Largo: 28.11 Ancho: 12.36 Aditamentos:Electra Glide Classic FLHTC : 2005-2003-2000-2001-2002-2004Electra Glide Ultra Classic EFI FLHTCUI : 2010-2012-2013-2008-2011-2009-2007Electra Glide Ultra Limited FLHTK : 2013-2011-2012-2010Electra Glide Classic EFI FLHTCI : 2008-2010-2011-2012-2013-2009-2000-2001-2003-2004-2006-2002-2005-2007Electra Glide Standard EFI FLHTI : 2008-...

$ 548.42 $ 877.42

Seal For Fuel Pump Door - FXD

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop pla...

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop plate installation screws are single-use and should be replaced when the plate is removedPeso: 0.2 Alto: 0.35 Largo: 11.85 Ancho: 5.94 Aditamentos:Switchback FLD : 2014-2015-2016-2013-2012Wide Glide EFI FXDWGI : 2014-2015-2016-2012-2010-2011-2013-2017Street Bob FXDB : 2015-2014-2016-2012-2008-2010-2009-2011-2013-2007-2006-2017Low Rider EFI FXDL : 2008-2009-2007Specs:Color/Finish: GrayRiding Style: St...

$ 696.34 $ 940.21

Seal For Fuel Pump Door - FLT

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop pla...

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop plate installation screws are single-use and should be replaced when the plate is removedPeso: 0.15 Alto: 0.6 Largo: 11.8 Ancho: 6.0 Aditamentos:Electra Glide Classic EFI FLHTCI : 2007-2004-2006-2003-2002-2005Road Glide EFI FLTR : 2007-2003-2005-2004-2002-2006Road King Classic EFI FLHRC : 2002-2003-2006-2004-2005Street Glide EFI FLHX : 2007-2006Road King Custom EFI FLHRS : 2007-2005-2004-2006Electra ...

$ 440.18 $ 626.28

Seal For Fuel Pump Door - XL

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop pla...

Caracteristicas: Meets or exceeds OEM specificationReplacement screws available separatelyTop plate installation screws are single-use and should be replaced when the plate is removedPeso: 0.1 Alto: 0.46 Largo: 8.9 Ancho: 5.9 Aditamentos:SuperLow 1200 XLT : 2014-2015-2016-2017Sportster Forty-Eight XLX : 2015-2014-2016-2013-2010-2011-2012-2017-2019-2018-2020883 SuperLow XLL : 2015-2014-2016-2013-2011-2012-2017-2018-20191200 Custom EFI XLC : 2015-2014-2016-2009-2010-2012-2007-2013-2008-2011-201...

$ 2,316.32 $ 3,012.11

Rear Fender - Raw Steel - '73-'85 FX

Caracteristicas: Uses stock mounts and has a raw steel finishOriginal-style fender with taillight...

Caracteristicas: Uses stock mounts and has a raw steel finishOriginal-style fender with taillight mountPeso: 5.69 Alto: 7.16 Largo: 30.39 Ancho: 13.97 Aditamentos:Low Rider FXSB : 1985-1983-1984Low Rider FXS : 1982-1981-1979-19801200 Super Glide FX : 1975-1978-1977-1973-1976-1974Fat Bob FXEF : 1980-1979-1981-1985Sturgis FXB : 1980-1982-19811200 Super Glide FXE : 1980-1977-1974-1976-1975-1979-1978Super Glide 80 FXE : 1979-1980-1984-1983-1981-19821200 Fat Bob FXEF : 1979-19801200 Low Rider FXS ...