Embragues y componentes

$ 3,955.45 $ 5,586.28

Juego Platos de Embrague Alto Products Rivera

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting the horsepower to ...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting the horsepower to the rear wheelIncludes seven friction plates and eight steel platesMeets or exceeds OEM specificationsMade in the U.S.A.Peso: 5.75 Alto: 1.85 Largo: 8.07 Ancho: 7.55 Aditamentos:Disc Glide FXDG : 1983Duo Glide FL : 1960-1963-1964-1962-1958-1961-1959Knucklehead EL : 1941-1936-1937-1945-1938-1939-1943-1944-1946-1940-1947-19421200 Fat Bob FXEF : 1979-1980Fat Bob FXEF : 1979-1980-1981FL : 1974-1950-19...

$ 198.43 $ 280.95

Disco de Embrague Acero Alto Products 84-89 BT

Caracteristicas: Increased surface area for decreased slippingIncreases holding while decreasing ...

Caracteristicas: Increased surface area for decreased slippingIncreases holding while decreasing heat generationPrecision-made steel platesMeets or exceeds OEM specificationsMade in the U.S.A.Peso: 0.15 Alto: 0.1 Largo: 6.2 Ancho: 6.2 Aditamentos:Sport Glide FXRT : 1984-1986-1989-1985-1987-1988Softail Standard FXST : 1989-1987-1988-1986-1985-1984Softail Heritage FLST : 1989-1987-1988-1986Wide Glide FXWG : 1984-1986-1985Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC : 1988-1987-1989-1986Low Rider FXSB : 1985-...

$ 266.99 $ 375.13

Plato de Embrague Alto Products Rivera Pro Agui...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the ...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the rear wheelMeets or exceeds OEM specificationsMade in the U.S.A.Peso: 0.25 Alto: 0.15 Largo: 6.4 Ancho: 6.4 Aditamentos:Softail Standard FXST : 1985-1988-1986-1989-1987-1990-1984Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC : 1989-1987-1990-1986-1988Tour Glide Ultra Classic FLTCU : 1990-1989Tour Glide Classic FLTC : 1986-1988-1990-1985-1987-1989-1984Electra Glide Classic FLHTC : 1984-1985-1986-1990-1989-1987-1988...

$ 165.97 $ 249.57

Plato de Embrague Alto Products Rivera Pro Acer...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the ...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the rear wheelMeets or exceeds OEM specificationsMade in the U.S.A.Peso: 0.25 Alto: 0.1 Largo: 5.6 Ancho: 5.6 Aditamentos:Electra Glide Sport FLHS : 1987-1988-1989Tour Glide Classic FLTC : 1984-1985-1988-1987-1989-1986Softail Springer FXSTS : 1988-1989Softail Custom FXSTC : 1986-1987-1989-1988Softail Standard FXST : 1984-1989-1987-1985-1986-1988Softail Heritage FLST : 1988-1987-1989-1986Softail Herita...

$ 119.79 $ 186.79

Plato de Embrague Alto Products Rivera Pro Acer...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the ...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the rear wheelMeets or exceeds OEM specificationsMade in the U.S.A.Peso: 0.16 Alto: 0.55 Largo: 5.94 Ancho: 5.47 Aditamentos:Low Rider FXDL : 1996-1994-1993-1997-1995Dyna Convertible FXDS-CONV : 1995-1996-1997Wide Glide FXDWG : 1993-1996-1994-1997-1995Dyna Sturgis FXDB : 1991Sport Glide FXRT : 1993-1991-1992-1990Low Rider Convertible FXRS-CONV : 1991-1992-1990-1993Low Rider Sport FXRS-SP : 1993-1991-1...

$ 876.74 $ 1,191.35

Plato de Embrague Alto Products Rivera Pro Bronce

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the ...

Caracteristicas: Provides a large increase in clutch plate surface for getting horsepower to the rear wheelMeets or exceeds OEM specificationsMade in the U.S.A.Peso: 0.21 Alto: 0.25 Largo: 6.0 Ancho: 6.0 Aditamentos:Dyna Daytona FXDB : 1992Dyna Glide Custom FXDC : 1992Wide Glide FXDWG : 1994-1995-1993-1996-1997Super Glide FXR : 1993-1992-1990-1994-1991Low Rider Convertible FXRS-CONV : 1992-1993-1990-1991Low Rider Custom FXLR : 1990-1994-1993-1991-1992Softail Springer FXSTS : 1991-1992-1995-19...